The Doctors Clinic virtual appointments provide you access to your primary care physician — when and where you need them.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Doctors Clinic providers are available, by appointment, for virtual consultations, diagnosis and treatment through live video chat. All aspects of the visits are similar to an in-person appointment, but are conveniently available from the comfort of your own home.
Individual providers will make the decision to open virtual appointments on a case by case basis, based on the needs of the patient.
Please visit My Health Record to complete any necessary paperwork and then download the Zoom app and test the website on your device, prior to your scheduled appointment.
Note: To insure you are prepared for your appointment with your Provider, a Medical Staff member will be contacting you at your primary phone number listed in your chart approximately 15 minutes prior to your appointment to check you in for the appointment.
Please contact the clinic directly with any questions.
Direct Link Instructions
1.) Click the link we sent you in My Health Record. The URL should look like: *Note the link will be specific to your meeting so the numbers at the end will differ.
2.) Follow the prompts to download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app on your device.
3.) You will then be placed in a virtual waiting room until your doctor arrives.
Smartphone/Tablet Instructions
1.) Download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app. Note: You do not have to create an account.
2.) Click “Join a Meeting”.
3.) Type in the 10-digit meeting ID number provided to you by The Doctors Clinic.
4.) You will then be placed in a virtual waiting room until your doctor arrives.
Laptop/Desktop Computer Instructions
1.) Go to:
2.) Type in the 10-digit Meeting ID provided to you by The Doctors Clinic.
3.) Your device will redirect you to download the Zoom application. Please follow the prompts on the screen and if prompted to download or run, select ‘Run’.
4.) Select ‘Internet Audio’ for best results.
5.) You will then be placed in a virtual waiting room until your doctor arrives.
What is a virtual care visit?
A virtual care visit is an appointment with your provider via a live video conference/chat. All aspects of the visit are similar to your in-person appointment, but you can hold it in the comfort of your own home, or wherever is most convenient for you at the appointment time.
Do I have to be in a specific location for the appointment?
You may be in any location throughout Washington state where you have safe, reliable internet access and connectivity with your device(s).
Do you record virtual care visits?
Virtual care appointments are never recorded and are encrypted to ensure patient privacy.