We focus on your healthcare in every stage of life.
Geriatrics, or geriatric medicine, is a specialty that focuses on the healthcare of older patients.
Our geriatric providers aim to promote patient health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. There is no set age at which patients may be under the care of a geriatrician or geriatric physician, rather, this decision is determined by the individual patient’s needs and the availability of a specialist.
Click on the providers’ images below to learn more about our Geriatrics team.
Providers in this Specialty
View Profile of Tarandeep Chahal, MD

Tarandeep Chahal, MD
Internal Medicine, GeriatricsView Profile of Anjandeep Hara, MD

Anjandeep Hara, MD
Family Medicine, GeriatricsView Profile of Young-ki Paik, MD