Patient Info

Stock photo of a young dad and his young son on a hike in the woods

We empower people with the knowledge and tools they need to live a healthy and active life.

Whether you’re a new patient or one of our regulars, we hope to establish a long-term relationship with you, so we can provide you allergy relief and care throughout all the stages of life.

New patients, please download and fill out our new patient paperwork prior to coming in for your appointment. You will need to bring this with you.

Questions? Need to schedule an appointment? Please contact our office at (360)830-1706, our staff is here to assist you.

*We understand your financial situation may have changed as a result of COVID-19. We are here to help you during this challenging time. Please contact us if you have difficulty paying your balance, and we will discuss the options that are available to you.

Thank you for trusting The Doctors Clinic, A part of Franciscan Medical Group, with your healthcare needs.

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